Coronavirus Cases in India Today, Coronavirus Statistics India Highlights: With the second wave of the coronavirus unleashing unimaginable fury, India has become home to almost half of the total Covid-19 infections around the globe. While the Supreme Court is set to hear the Centre’s plea over Covid management on May 13, in
National Capital, the Delhi Police has decided to collect data of Covid deaths directly from the crematorium/burial grounds. The Indian Express report comes amid various accounts of gross mismatch in official figures and the ground reality. On the vaccination front, it is all about luck. While there have been reports of people getting their
Covid jab, the issues with the CoWin slot continues. There’s also a demand for making more localised app as well as new ways of registering beneficiaries from weaker sections of the society. There are also bizarre reports of bodies floating in Buxar. Many say they are of Covid patients, who didn’t get proper cremation. The hinterland is reporting about massive cold and cough wave. With negligible testing, nobody knows whether it is normal flu, typhoid or Covid-19 infection.