Home » Covid-19 Remains Harmful and Deadly Even Months After Infection A new study shows just how bad long Covid can be

Covid-19 Remains Harmful and Deadly Even Months After Infection A new study shows just how bad long Covid can be

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A surprisingly large portion of patients who have suffered from Covid-19 continue to experience concerning symptoms and complications months after their initial infection. Increasingly, this prolonged battle is becoming known as long Covid, and those who suffer from it have been dubbed long haulers. Covid-19 differs from most other respiratory viruses in the sense that a lingering version exists, and scientists are working to better understand this emerging condition.

A manuscript from a recent study accepted for publication in the journal Nature was published online April 22. This report, authored by epidemiologists Ziyad Al-Aly and colleagues, provides unique insight into…

Zaraki Kenpachi