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How Incorporating Technology Can Improve Productivity?

Humans strive to improve. This is the only way of moving ahead. Improvement leads to an advantage in businesses and makes work easier. Making improvements in your workspace can become the reason for you getting ahead of your competitors. A very common argument in offices is “How can we become more productive?”

There are many ways to tackle this and they prove to be somewhat effective. Increasing the workforce or dividing tasks into groups of people and assigning teams to different projects are some of these techniques. But in this century as advancements in technology are made, it is the only answer for companies who wish to be more productive and efficient.

Why Depend on Technology?

Technology has proven again and again that it is the most effective way of being more productive in a business.

With the use of the latest machines and various services, one can streamline the workflow and relieve stress from the employees. Now, companies use technology to do all the lengthy and tedious work and let their employees focus on the main tasks. For example, the use of multimedia in marketing and within the organization has led to the growing demand for audio visual equipment. This is why a lot of organizations now contact a top-rated audio visual company to provide multimedia for their workplace.

How can you incorporate technology into your business?

Let’s talk about ways one can make use of technology and incorporate it into your workspace.

Use Group Chats

Miscommunication can often occur in the office space. A word spoken can sometimes be forgotten. According to a survey, businesses lose around $400,000 yearly just because there is miscommunication between employees and management.

However, with the use of technology, group chats are made. There are various platforms available through which one can link their colleagues and send and receive important information and notices. These group chats also diminish the use of emails.

Remember how tedious and frustrating it is to find that one email that you need and you just can’t find it when you’re going through that long thread of emails. In group chats, messages are instantaneous and it tells who has seen the message and to whom it has been delivered.

Any major announcements can be made and important files can also be sent. With group chats, the project manager will not have to write a whole email to answer a simple question from their team member.

Project Management Applications

Whenever a company gets a big or important project, there will always be chances of things going wrong. Well, for these issues Project Management Applications like Asana are available. Without wasting any time or energy, all team members will use the project manager to communicate and collaborate. Through the application, the team will know who has to do what task and what is the deadline. This will surely increase productivity.

Automatic Time Tracker

Time tracking or marking your attendance is a must in offices. It is proof that you went to work that day or else an absence is marked. Now this task itself is long and can be boring. Someone has to be given the task of manually calculating the total office hours of every employee.

There are bound to be errors in this system if performed manually. So, why not get a Time Tracker application which by swipe of a card or fingerprint will know what time a person clocks in and clocks out. This will save all the data and display it to the person responsible. This is a much better way than using time cards or manually marking them in sheets.

Always have a Remote Workspace

The importance of a remote workplace has greatly increased since the Coronavirus pandemic hit the world. It has forced many businesses to shut down and others to shift to work from home. Now, how can one communicate with their team when they work remotely?How will they brainstorm ideas?

Well, the answer is simple. Using teleconferencing services like Zoom, Google Meet or Microsoft Teams. These services have been a lifesaver during the pandemic, businesses could hold meetings and conferences through these services.

Video conferencing was always available. So, one can carry out their meetings as per usual.

Because of the sudden transition companies had to go through last year, the trend of hiring an IT solutions company in Dubai has surfaced. It provides them with remote working support. 

In a nutshell, technology can and is making our lives a lot easier. So, why not adopt it in your businesses and make the most out of it?

Zaraki Kenpachi